How to Achieve Your Goals, Step 2: Tackling the Rogue Aversion

How to Achieve Your Goals, Step 2: Tackling the Rogue Aversion

When it comes to your life, knowing what you don’t want, but not being sure what you do want, can cause you big problems. Free-floating aversions can sap your energy and feelings of well-being—and tending to them can yield widespread benefits.

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The Science of Loneliness and the Mindfulness Connection

The Science of Loneliness and the Mindfulness Connection

Between 15% and 30% of the U.S. population feels lonely chronically. Here I cover the causes and effects of loneliness, and the latest methods of working with it. Mindfulness meditation has a lot in common with them, so there's yet another reason to start meditating.  

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How to Achieve Your Goals, Step 1: The Push and Pull of Feedback Loops

How to Achieve Your Goals, Step 1: The Push and Pull of Feedback Loops

There's more to achievement than perseverance and brute force. That oversimplification can set you up for self-blame when you fall short, too. Here we begin to take a closer look at some of the variables that affect your ability to get what you want.   

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Three Reasons Why Numbered Lists Can Make You Unhappy

Three Reasons Why Numbered Lists Can Make You Unhappy

Judging by the internet, humans have an insatiable appetite for numbered lists (and small animals). As fun and informative as list posts can be, they can also reinforce unhealthy habits and thoughts, and impair your long-term happiness. 

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