Self-Esteem and Social Media: Human Drives in an Electronic World

Self-Esteem and Social Media: Human Drives in an Electronic World

When the innate human drive for connection is filtered through social media, some interesting results emerge. Some research reinforces what we know about our social needs, and some may change the way you use social media.

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How to Achieve Your Goals, Step 6: Considering Your Motivational Chains

How to Achieve Your Goals, Step 6: Considering Your Motivational Chains

How concrete or abstract your goals are, and how you link them together, can have a big impact on your mood and overall well-being and, by extension, on your performance. 

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How to Achieve Your Goals, Step 5: Keeping Your Feedback Loops Running Smoothly

How to Achieve Your Goals, Step 5: Keeping Your Feedback Loops Running Smoothly

Your goal-achievement machinery only operates properly when you have information to work with, so the natural tendency to avoid bad news can gum up the works. Fortunately, you don't need to go far to find what you need to keep things moving. 

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How to Achieve Your Goals, Step 4: Goal Hierarchies and Your Emotions

How to Achieve Your Goals, Step 4: Goal Hierarchies and Your Emotions

How you feel en route to your goals involves more than the progress you're making. Exploring the third dimension of your goals helps you fine-tune your understanding of what matters to you, and discover new motivations.

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How to Achieve Your Goals, Step 3: Taking Your Rate of Progress Into Account

How to Achieve Your Goals, Step 3: Taking Your Rate of Progress Into Account

If you think that setting a goal and then achieving it on time will make you happy, then you may be in for a surprise. Your pace of progress is incredibly important to how you feel about the process of achievement, and sets the stage for what happens next.

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