Why You Should Stop Using the Term “Delayed Gratification” . . . Right Now

Why You Should Stop Using the Term “Delayed Gratification” . . . Right Now

Change or growth require effort now, hopefully for a reward later. But if you call this "delayed gratification," you're making things harder than they need to be. Plus, you're missing the gratification that's right in front of you.

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Enjoying Uncertainty: How to Convert Your Fear to Suspense, Part Two

Enjoying Uncertainty: How to Convert Your Fear to Suspense, Part Two

In Part One we covered that suspense is a gratifying variation on fear. Now, we dive into four critical differences between the two, and how to start enjoying more of the uncertainty that life brings your way. 

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Enjoying Uncertainty: How to Convert Your Fear to Suspense, Part One

Enjoying Uncertainty: How to Convert Your Fear to Suspense, Part One

Facing the unknown in your life can be scary. But fear, mixed with delight and hope, produces enjoyable suspense. Here's how to start converting one to the other, so you can enjoy your cliffhanger moments.

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Broaden and Build: How Positive Emotions Can Help You Thrive

Broaden and Build: How Positive Emotions Can Help You Thrive

Recent research explores how viewing baby animal pictures helps you be focused and productive. Far from a fluff piece (ha), studies like this one are on the cutting edge of research into how positive emotions can help you thrive.

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The Science of Loneliness and the Mindfulness Connection

The Science of Loneliness and the Mindfulness Connection

Between 15% and 30% of the U.S. population feels lonely chronically. Here I cover the causes and effects of loneliness, and the latest methods of working with it. Mindfulness meditation has a lot in common with them, so there's yet another reason to start meditating.  

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Acceptance vs. Change: Working Through the Paradox of Mindfulness Practice

Acceptance vs. Change: Working Through the Paradox of Mindfulness Practice

Mindfulness meditation can seem full of riddles. If practicing it involves accepting the way things are, then why would I practice in the first place? And how can it help me if I'm not supposed to try to change anything? Read on, and I'll try to clear it up for you.

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Harnessing the Power of Your Setbacks

Harnessing the Power of Your Setbacks

How you construct your life story affects how you feel about yourself and the world, and having a story of redemption can do wonders for your well-being. And you overcome obstacles and achieve victories all the time—you just may need to look for them.

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