Feeling Stuck After Divorce (Instead of Free)

Feeling Stuck After Divorce (Instead of Free)

The uncertainty of divorce can be destabilizing, no matter who initiated it, or whether you saw it coming. Not being able to see or plan for what’s next can let worry creep in, and when that happens, you can get stuck.

Here are a few ideas for how to reclaim your innate strength, confidence, and happiness, and feel free and able enough to chart a course toward the future you want.

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Reclaiming the Parts of Yourself You Thought Were Lost

Reclaiming the Parts of Yourself You Thought Were Lost

Sometimes you don’t realize that you’ve misplaced or left behind parts of yourself, until you find yourself in a rut years later.

It happened to me: I came to fear that I’d lost a colorful, vibrant part of me. It took a simple pair of shoes to help me realize that it had been with me the whole time. Any “lost” parts of you are hiding in plain sight, too . . . .and counting on you to continue looking for them.

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Why Authentic Connection With Others Happens From the Inside Out

Why Authentic Connection With Others Happens From the Inside Out

Self-sufficiency is often necessary in day-to-day life, but to achieve your full human potential you also need deeper presence and connection with people. It may be the best gift you can give to either of you.

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