Using Your Setbacks as Building Blocks: An Olympic Case Study

Using Your Setbacks as Building Blocks: An Olympic Case Study

You've probably experienced disaster striking just when things are going great. It happened to skier Hannah Kearney in the 2014 Winter Olympics. Here's a close look at how she used a setback to gain insight and move onward and upward—and how you can, too.

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The Problem With Trying to Be Happy All the Time

The Problem With Trying to Be Happy All the Time

Popular culture frames unhappy moments as weeds in the garden, and so long as any remain, you have more pulling to do. But when you cast your unhappiness as an antagonist, you become blind to its merits, and can keep yourself from true well-being.

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The Science of Loneliness and the Mindfulness Connection

The Science of Loneliness and the Mindfulness Connection

Between 15% and 30% of the U.S. population feels lonely chronically. Here I cover the causes and effects of loneliness, and the latest methods of working with it. Mindfulness meditation has a lot in common with them, so there's yet another reason to start meditating.  

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Three Reasons Why Numbered Lists Can Make You Unhappy

Three Reasons Why Numbered Lists Can Make You Unhappy

Judging by the internet, humans have an insatiable appetite for numbered lists (and small animals). As fun and informative as list posts can be, they can also reinforce unhealthy habits and thoughts, and impair your long-term happiness. 

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Acceptance vs. Change: Working Through the Paradox of Mindfulness Practice

Acceptance vs. Change: Working Through the Paradox of Mindfulness Practice

Mindfulness meditation can seem full of riddles. If practicing it involves accepting the way things are, then why would I practice in the first place? And how can it help me if I'm not supposed to try to change anything? Read on, and I'll try to clear it up for you.

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Why Authentic Connection With Others Happens From the Inside Out

Why Authentic Connection With Others Happens From the Inside Out

Self-sufficiency is often necessary in day-to-day life, but to achieve your full human potential you also need deeper presence and connection with people. It may be the best gift you can give to either of you.

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